Connected III, Days of Artistist Books, Factory, Künstlerhaus Vienna
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Tomorrow is my turn, 2017/24, oil on canvas, 180x130cm
Connected III, Days of Artistist Books, Factory, Künstlerhaus Vienna
Sis, 2024, mixed media on Paper, 42x30cm
the promise, 2022, mixed media on paper, 30x30cm
Friends, 2024, oil on canvas, 130x 180cm
Swinging,2023,oil on canvas, 140x100cm
Entstrickung3, 2022, mixed media on paper, 100x70cm
Die Föhren, 2022, oil on canvas, 140×100
Unter guten Sternen
2008-2021, oil on canvas, 100x110cm
A little further up the river, 2021, Ceramic objekt ca 40cm high
Aurelia, 2021, oil on canvas, 90x 70cm
Renate, 2021, oil on Canvas, 145x115cm
2021, oil on canvas, 150x115cm
Edith Mimi
2020, oil on canvas
2020, oil on canvas
Keine Angst vor Welsen
Oil on canvas, 2020
Frauen, die großformatige Bilder malen
Oil on canvas, 2020
Wedding, ceramic object
Zauberhände, 2020, mixed media on paper
Ein Ozean von Geschichte, 2020, oil on canvas
Ein imaginärer Raum, 2020, oil on canvas
Der Sohn, 2020, Oil on canvas, 120x 90cm
2020, oil on canvas
Hinter den Sternen
2020, oil on Canvas
ein verschwiegener Raum
2020, mixed media on paper
Two entrances
2020, oil on canvas
diesmal kommt alles anders
mixed media on paper
black clay, dekorated with oxides and slip
das weiße Rauschen
2019, mixed media on paper
2020, oil on canvas
Tu die Mutter weg von mir
2019, oil on canvas
2919, oil on canvas
2018, oil on canvas
everything is better than living with ghosts
2019, mixed media
2019, Siebdruck auf bauchigem Tonobjekt
Teekanne auf rechteckiger Platte
2019, Teekanne aus schwarzem Ton, hochgebrannt, mit Slip und Oxiden dekorierte Platte
2019, Siebdruck auf rotem Ton, Vasenförmiges Objekt
in jeder Hinsicht
2019, oil on canvas
2017, oil on canvas
tausend kleine Sonne
2019, oil on canvas
Feldspat und seine Geheimnisse
2019, mixed media
wathching the river flow1
2019, oil on canvas
high, low, and in between
2018, mixed media
Raku vase
2018, saggar fired vase
ein Schatten verschwindet
2017, oil on canvas
2019, mixed media
schon wieder weg
2019, mixed media
Aladins Lampe
2018, tea pot object
VD ceramic objekt
2018, silkscreen on clay
Singing the song of the long ago
2018, silkscreen on porcelain
ein paar Fragen hätte ich da noch
2019, mixed media
some other planets
2018, oil on canvas
daylight and the sun
2018, oil on canvas
Raku fired objects
2017 two vases and a bowl
Aura sleeping
2018, ceramic collage
Unter guten Sternen
2018, mixed media
September when it comes
2018, oil on canvas
mitten im Blau
2018, mixed media
das kleine Volk
2018, oil on canvas
you’ll never know
2014, oil on canvas
pile of cups
2019, ceramics
The silence
2014, oil on canvas
come back and finish what you started
2019, oil on canvas
Abgründe überspringen
2019, Öl auf Leinwand
mixed media on paper, 2018
die goldene Zitrone
2017, mixed media on paper